RSA: SDL Contribution Holiday

Employers who are registered for SDL will be exempt from the SDL liability and payment from 1 May 2020 – 31 August 2020.


According to the SARS FAQ, the SDL liability amount will automatically default to 0.00 on the EMP201 return for the 4-month period.

Basic Company Information Screen

Main Menu > Company > Basic Company Information Screen


We have made the ‘Period SDL Calculation’ option visible (and not just when you access your system with the VIPSD Password).


During the conversion of your companies, this field has been selected (ticked) and the ‘SDL Percentage’ has been cleared.



SDL Calculation

Monthly Companies:  No SDL will calculate for the current month.


Non-Monthly Companies: No SDL will calculate for the month. 

If you converted in any week besides week 1, the SDL value in the current period, e.g. week 3 of 4, will be a negative, resulting in the MTD+ value being 0.00.

No SDL will calculate for the subsequent months while the setting is as above.


Activation of SDL in September


Please access the Basic Company Information Screen at the beginning of your processing period for September and enter SDL Percentage as 1.00%.

The Period SDL Calculation must, however, remain selected (ticked) for the rest of the year.